Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Overnight Chia Seeds with Greek Yogurt

I worked out for the first time in a LONG time today, and the whole way home all I wanted was, like, fifteen McDonalds hash browns. But, instead, I opted for my favorite post-workout/whenever snack--overnight chia seeds in Greek yogurt. It's super simple and a great way to get some yummy energy--even if you haven't worked out ;)

From a different recipe here, but similar appearance to this recipe

3 Tablespoons Chia seeds (Winco has these in bulk, but you can usually find them in most stores around the quinoa/rice/gluten free stuff)
3/4 cup milk (skim, rice, soy, almond, any kind!)
Greek yogurt (I usually go with Walmart brand vanilla, it's my favorite right now)
Bananas, berries, nuts, or whatever else you want to top it with

1. Mix chia seeds and milk. I prefer to use a BlenderBottle with the wisk in, that way it's already in a pourable container and you can mix any congealed clumps out before you pour.
2. Refrigerate over night.
3. Mix first thing in the morning. My only beef with making this recipe is that sometimes the seeds sink to the bottom before they can absorb enough milk. To combat this I will either start the recipe in the morning and shake throughout the day, just whenever I open the fridge. If I go this route, they're usually good to go by the evening or next morning. Or, more likely, I'll microwave the chia seeds and milk for 1 minute before putting it in the fridge (without the wire wisk!), and then mix before I go to bed as well.
4. Once the chia seeds have absorbed the milk (it should look like inflated little seeds with no loose milk), it's time to enjoy! The first time I tried the recipe I added only fruit, no yogurt, and it was still really great. This is a good dairy-free or lower calorie option. But personally, I like the sweetness and flavor the yogurt adds. I typically mix about 1/2 cup of yogurt with a couple tablespoons of the chia seed mixture (maybe 1/4 cup) and load on whatever fruit I have on hand!

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited to try this one! I've seen the Super Healthy Kids version, but never bought the ingredients to try it out. It's motivating to know that you like it so much!
